Continuous Data Analysis Identifies Trends and Opportunities for Improvement
SmartTrend® is a software tool that enables SmartLevel™ users to anticipate overflow events at remote monitoring sites long before they occur.
SmartTrend automatically scans each site assessing trends in the collection system. It determines conditions and sends advisories to users when a trend is discovered. Users have the most advanced method available to identify future issues, including alarms indicating a SSO, before they occur. SmartTrend aids users and promotes advanced planning.
Operational Costs are Lowered with Regular Business Hours Response.
Risks are Eliminated by Avoiding After Hours Emergency Response.
Managers, Supervisors and Engineers Acquire a New Tool to Increase Efficiency with Fast and Easy Situational Assessment.
Provides a Compliment of Reporting Types.
How SmartTrend Works
SmartTrend advisories can be sent via email or text message. The frequency of remote site analysis is user selectable, up to four times per day. In addition to assessing level trends, SmartTrend also advises users concerning SmartLevel maintenance and operations.
SmartTrend is an exceptionally powerful management tool for making preemptive maintenance decisions before alarms occur. SmartTrend looks for anomalies that may predict future events.
SmartTrend® can be used in various applications including:
Wastewater Collection Systems
Storm Water Systems
Raw Water Conveyance Systems
Any Open Water Channel